Here are the quests from
Diablo, the most have a pic or an animation, If you don't
see anyone, please send it to me, enjoy! |
The Butcher |
From: The Wounded
Townsman. Quest
Summary: First find
the room with the Butcher in it.
It should be a room on Level 2
with many slain bodies inside. If
you are a Warrior, obtain a
shield, a sword, some leather
armor, and many healing potions
on your belt. Open the door and
let him come to you. When he gets
close to you, try to get off the
first hit. With luck, you should
be able to pummel him to death
with your sword while taking
minimal damage. If you are a
Rogue, open the door and run
back. Hit and run while firing
arrows into him until he dies. If
you are a Sorcerer, open the door
and make sure he sees you Cast a
Flame Wall spell in his chamber,
then shut the door. He should
succumb to the flames. After he
dies, pick up the Butcher's
Cleaver, a unique item. HINT -
Clear out the level of monsters
first. Before you open the
Butcher's door find a room that
has a door (that is not blocked)
and a grate that you can shoot /
spell through. After opening the
door, run away to this room and
CLOSE THE DOOR. The Butcher can't
open it, but he will stand there
and let you shoot at him through
the grate!Single/MultiPlayer
Quest |
Quest Given
From: Pepin. Quest
Summary: When you hit
Level 2 of the dungeon, come back
to town and talk to Pepin. He
should tell you that he water of
Tristram is going bad, and that
it's up to you to figure out what
is going on before people become
sick and die. Go back to Level 2
and look for a hole in the wall
surrounded by candles. When you
find this hole (move the cursor
over it and it should say 'Dark
Passage') enter it. Inside you
should find Goatmen, Dark Ones,
and other enemies. Defeat all the
enemies in the Dark Passage, and
the quest will be solved. Return
to Pepin and he will give you the
Ring of Truth as your reward.Single
Player Quest |
The Course of King
Leoric |
Quest Given
From: Ogden. Quest
Summary: After
speaking to Ogden who will
solicit your help to put King
Leoric's soul at ease, enter his
tomb on the third level. Within
the tomb you should kill all the
enemies, then approach the two
levers. Switch the lever on the
left (east room) to open a door
to a room with a couple of
chests. Check the chests for
useful items inside. Once you do
that, go back an switch the lever
on the right (west room) to open
the way to the Skeleton King. Try
to get to the Skeleton King as
quickly as possible to kill him,
for he will resurrect other
skeletons if you attack them
first. Holy Bolt works nicely on
him, and hand to hand combat with
him could prove to be
fatal. Single/MultiPlayer
Quest. |
/ Cathedral Map |
Quest Given
From Gillian. Quest
Summary: Although this
officially counts as two quests
it can only really be considered
as one. The first part of this
quest is to simply kill The
Defiler who can be found on level
four of the Hive, once dead she
will surrender the Cathedral Map.
If you return to town and speak
to Gillian the barmaid she will
give you the Grave Matters quest
which counts as the second part.
From here you simply go up to the
church yard and drop the map onto
the new grave and this will
reveal doorway to the Demon
Crypts. The Defiler has some
magic resistances and some magic
immunities. |
Ogden's Sign |
Quest Given
From: Ogden. Quest
Summary: When Ogden
informs you that his sign to his
tavern is missing, go down to
Level 4 and search for a Dark One
named Snotspill. He will inform
you that some 'big uglies' stole
his sign, and that he wants it
back. Search around Level 4 for a
room with many Overlords and a
chest inside. Open the chest to
retrieve Ogden's sign. From this
point, you can solve the quest
via two methods. The first is to
give the sign back to Snotspill.
He will say that he can now cast
great magic, and will ambush you
with Overlords. Or, you can go
give Ogden back his sign and get
a magical item as a
reward. Single
Player Quest. |
Garbad the Weak |
Quest Given
From: Garbad the Weak. Quest
Summary: Venture into
Level 4, and you will meet Garbad
the Weak. He will tell you that
if you protect him from the
enemies in the dungeon, he will
give you a great reward. After he
tells you this, go off somewhere
else in Level 4. Return to him,
he will now tell you he is still
making your reward and will give
you an item in the meantime.
Leave him alone for a while then
return to Garbad a second time,
when he will tell you he is not
yet done. Leave one last time.
Upon return to Garbad, and he
will say that he has finished the
item, but you must fight him for
it. He is easy to kill, and when
you do, pick up the random item
he was making. Single
Player Quest. |
Arkaine's Valor
Armor |
Quest Given
From: Book of Blood. Quest
Summary: In Level 5 of
the catacombs you will find a
book which will speak of the
warrior Arkaine, and will tell
that his armor called Valor
resides somewhere in the
Catacombs. Search the catacombs
for a blood altar and three blood
stones. Pick up all three blood
stones and place the in the blood
altar (just click on the altar
once to place a stone). When this
is done, a wall will disappear
and a great hall will be before
you. Continue down the hall,
killing all the demons that
attack you. At the end of the
hallway you will find Arkaine's
Valor Armor. Single
Player Quest. |
Magic Rock |
Quest Given
From Griswold. Quest
Summary: After you
enter the catacombs (Level 5),
return to town and talk to
Griswold. He will speak of the
Magic Rock which he has heard of.
If you return it to him, he will
give you a reward. Return to the
catacombs and search for the
Magic Rock. Once you find it,
return it to Griswold and receive
the Empyrean Band. Single
Player Quest |
Chamber of Bone |
Quest Given
From Book. Quest
Summary: In the
Catacombs you will find a book on
a pedestal. This will tell you of
great treasures found in the
Chamber of Bone. Now look for a
new area revealed or a staircase
surrounded by eight pillars. Go
up the staircase. In the chamber
there will be two levers one to
the left and one to the right.
First kill all the enemies
(Firewall is good here). Once the
levers are pulled they will
reveal rooms containing magical
goodies. Return to the original
chamber, at the end of the room
and read the Guardian Spell
Book. Single
Player Quest. |
| |