Adria |
feared in town, she is a good person,
although she is a witch. She
sells many magic items. She can
also recharge your empty staves
and give you some important info. |
Cain |
A very
important character in game, Cain
can identify any magic item, so
if you find one, bring it him. He
knows almost everithing, and
"he knows more than he
knows". |
Farnham |
The drunk.
He drinks to forget all the
horrors he saw when he was in the
labyrinth, all his friends were
killed by the daemons. He cant
give you a lot of info, also he's
a hero in town! One of my
favorite Characters. |
Gillian |
She is the
barmaid. She can give you some
info about Tristram and its
history. The most part of time,
she will talk only of her. |
Griswold |
He is
Tristramīs blacksmith, he can
repair any item that you need. He
also buy and sell items. He can
also bring you information about
the labyrinth, cause he has been
there. |
Ogden |
He owns the
Tavern of the Rising Sun. He dont
sell items, but he knows a lot
about Tristram and its people. He
also gives you some quests. |
Pepin |
He is the
healer.He can heal your wounds
without having to pay for it, he
can also sell you some healing
spells and potions for your
journey. A very good person. |
Wirt |
peg-legged boy. The peg legged
boy sells magical items at a
place to the north of town across
the bridge. He charges you 50gp
just to look at his item, which
he sells for 1.5 times normal
value. Sometimes the item can be
very good (Saintly bucklers and
warhammers of the Titan), but
sometimes it is only a potion of
healing or something. |
Townsman |
He's there
to start you off on your first
quest, as well as complement the
scenic background that comprises
the church. |
Cows |
what town
is complete without cows? |