hero from the first game, after containing
Diablo's spirit and journeying to the East,
succumbed to the more powerful will of the Lord
of Terror. Now, Diablo is free from his
entrapment below Tristram and has assumed his
original appearance, but with much greater power.
As the game begins, he is somewhere in the East,
raising an army to conquer not just one city, but
a whole world. |
action in Diablo II proceeds through four acts,
with each act comprising a town and its
accompanying dungeons. Each act will also tell a
little more about Diablo's origins and plans,
which include freeing his brothers, Baal and
Mephisto. (Together they form the triumvirate
known as the Prime Evils.) As the game's hero,
you will have to track Diablo through each act
and town and try to prevent him from raising his
army. |
hero comes into the game as a powerful adventurer
who has heard of the Lord of Terror's renewed
rampage. No one from the original Diablo can help
you. Since the heroes of the first game were too
weak to defeat Diablo completely, the sequel
calls for all-new adventurers. |
As a character from one of
five new classes, you start out in the
mountains at the Sisters of the Sightless
Eye monastery. Diablo fans will recall
that the rogue character belonged to the
Sisters' order. Blizzard envisions new
players beginning the game here, where
they'll discover that the monastery has
been taken over by a tremendous evil
power. The Lesser Evil Andariel, a demon
from hell, is hoping to curry favor with
Diablo by conscripting the rogues into
her evil army. |
soon corrupts all the captured rogues, but a
small band of survivors forms around the
monastery, creating a makeshift camp and Diablo
II's first town. You'll need to uncover
Andariel's hand in the fall of the monastery and
free the Sisters. When you defeat Andariel in the
town's final dungeon level, you'll move on to
subsequent acts and locales in the East. |
Here is the
trailer Blizzard Entertainment screened at the
European Computer Trade Show.
Please note that this trailer is simply a
cinematic teaser for the game, and does not
feature any gameplay footage.
Download the zipped trailer
[7.2 Mb] |
Here are some quest in the Diablo II
In the Sisters Burial Ground
quest, you'll go to the monastery's
burial grounds, where you'll find that
dead rogues have been resurrected by
Andariel's magic.
In this quest you'll have to
revive a defunct circle of mystic stones,
which ancient mages once used to teleport
to far-off realms. Restoring the stones
could give you the ability to visit
Tristram and enlist the aid of Deckard
Cain, the storyteller from Diablo.
The Den of Evil
& The Forgotten Tower |
Kill the monsters and get
all the treasures.
Here are some
Diablo II screen shots |